Grafton Minor Hockey Association (GMHA) is a local hockey league within Northumberland County. We administer mixed gender hockey programming for players ages 4 through to 18 years. We are dedicated to maximizing the potential of all our participants through quality hockey programming. Our home ice is the Haldimand Community Memorial Arena.
Frequently Asked League Questions
What leagues are played at Grafton Minor Hockey?
We offer local league hockey (LL) - which is recreational hockey played by teams from neighbouring organizations at their arenas. We are often confused with house league hockey - which is defined as teams that play only within their own organization. We often have games against the Northumberland Minor Hockey Association and we usually travel to the Cobourg Community Centre and Port Hope Jack Burger Sports Complex.
What is the OMHA and Hockey Canada's role?
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) is an organization based in Ontario, that oversees minor hockey leagues and programs in the province. The OMHA is responsible for organizing and regulating minor hockey at various age levels, providing a structured framework for youth hockey development. This is our governing body and we follow the rules set out by the OMHA.
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) is one of the many member branches that make up the structure of Hockey Canada. Hockey Canada is the national governing body for amateur hockey in Canada, overseeing the development, regulation, and promotion of the sport.
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) is one of the many member branches that make up the structure of Hockey Canada. Hockey Canada is the national governing body for amateur hockey in Canada, overseeing the development, regulation, and promotion of the sport.
Do you offer Financial Assistance?
When does the season Start and End?
Our season normally starts in mid-October and finishes late March (each division ends at a slightly different time). We typically do not run between Christmas and New Years, or during March Break (although there may be tournaments/jamborees pending team interest).
What Genders can play?
We accept all genders - we do not exclude any players. Teams are made up of mixed gender programming.
When and how often do divisions practice/play?
The amount of ice time a player will receives depends on exhibition scheduling. We have some of the highest ice times for players locally. For more specifics on how often a player will practice or have games see the division of interest, or our schedule webpage.
What time a player will play is also dependent on the age. Typically you can expect that younger divisions normally use earlier ice times and older divisions use later ice. Our home ice times are considered prime time ice - meaning most practice and games take place at ideal timeframes.
What time a player will play is also dependent on the age. Typically you can expect that younger divisions normally use earlier ice times and older divisions use later ice. Our home ice times are considered prime time ice - meaning most practice and games take place at ideal timeframes.
When is registration?
Get to know the board
Committed to delivering quality local hockey programming
Board Members
- President - Gord Prentice
- Vice-President - Adam Prentice
- 2nd Vice-President (Golf Tournament) - John Goheen
- Secretary - Denise Finlay
- Treasurer - Erin Prentice
- Scheduler in Chief - Jennifer Keller-Nelson
- OMHA Rep - Stephanie Johns
- OWHA Rep - Brenda Keller
- Equipment Director - Adam Prentice
- Bingo Coordinators - Jennifer Keller-Nelson/Erin Prentice
- Tournament Coordinator - Rachael Milne
- Media and Marketing Coordinator - Ashley Strikwerda
- Risk Management - John Mitro